Apache Sling Launchpad has its own Jackrabbit repository embedded in it. But since Airavata has its own Jackrabbit repository, Sling Launchpad's embedded repository should be replaced by that of Airavata. According to a thread in Sling user mailinglist, I configured Launchpad.
I did this twice with 2 versions of Sling Launchpad.
1) Sling Launchpad 6
2) Sling Launchpad 7
How to configure?
- Start Launchpad as mentioned in this tutorial.
- Now go to http://localhost:8080/system/console/configMgr
- Give admin:admin as username:password if asked.
- Go to row Apache Sling Embedded JCR Repository
- Click on org.apache.sling.jcr.jackrabbit.server.SlingServerRepository.########
- Configure Configuration File, Repository Home and Repository Name as follows.
- Configuration File: Jackrabbit Repository.xml path
- Eg. /home/.../jackrabbit/repository.xml
- Repository Home: Jackrabbit home path
- Eg. /home/.../jackrabbit/
- Embedded JCR Repository Name: 'jackrabbit'
- Restart Launchpad