Friday, June 8, 2012

Tasks for 3rd Week of June

Here is my plan for the 3rd week of June. After discussing with mentors, I decided to have 3 tasks for the week as follows.

Task 1:
Implement a Sling based class with selected important methods to have the functionality of AiravataJCRRegistry class, and test implemented functionality with Sling Launchpad with its inbuilt jackrabbit repository. 

Task 2:
Plug a separate jackrabbit repository to Sling Launchpad and test implemented functionality in task 1.

Task 3:
Try to use Sling Launchpad with its inbuilt Jackrabbit repository for user management tasks such as adding and deleting users. Do the same thing with Sling Launchpad with a separate jackrabbit repository. 

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